Cigarette Wrapping Machines

Cigarettes Wrapping Machines

Cigarette Wrapping Machines & Cigarette Box Packing Machines Engineered With Quality To Provide Efficient Cigarette Wrapping Solutions

Cigarette Wrapping Machines Supplier ✔

Trusted Supplier For Cigarette Wrapping Machines & Boxers

Cigarette wrapping is an essential industrial process in the tobacco industry and its machines require extreme durability and consistency. Cigarette wrapping machinery is no ordinary machine which you can go and buy out from the market. You need a proper working process, brand awareness, comparative models, costs and expenses, production capacities and related details of the machine to choose the right model for your production environment. We as a supplier provide the right machinery keeping in view the requirements along with solving the technical queries of the customers. We provide cigarette wrapping machines with a market goodwill and positive history of controlling volumes and beating the deadlines. Here you will get the right information, satisfactory answers and best deals to suit your business and start production. A cigarette wrapping machine is a worthy investment which we appreciate by providing the best cigarette wrapping solution we can. Check Cigarette Packing Machines

How to choose a cigarette wrapping machine?

If you understand the types you can obviously make an informed decision about what you are looking for and how it’s going to assist you. Cigarette wrapping is a delicate process starting from a regular cigarette wrapping machine taking thin film in multiple sizes and then wrapping them around the packs. An over wrapping machine does this by wrapping a whole set of cigarette packs into thin film of plastic and a cigarette box packing machine packs them into boxes. Along this procedure the machine maintains quality without losing wrapping speed. This is the process which also serves as check points of benefits you will be deriving from the machine and also passing over the correct information to new buyers seeking help. Check Cigarette Manufacturing Machines

Regular Cigarette Wrapping Machine

Regular cigarette wrapping machines refers to machines which deal with the standard sizes and controls small to medium level of production volumes. These machines use high precision and perform all procedures during wrapping to attain optimum output level. Regular cigarette packing machines carry friendly user interfaces and easy to learn working dynamics. These machines wrap cigarette packs with films to make them secure from the environment and provide an appealing look. These machines are able to work at tough conditions and low maintenance costs. With regular cigarette wrapping machines you can enhance your capacity. Check Used Cigarette Wrapper Machine

Cigarette Wrapping Machine

CP-1 Cigarette Pack Wrapping Machine

CP-1 Cigarette Pack Wrapping Machine is an excellent choice which comes with handling production volumes and reducing manual costs by automation. This machine handles various sizes and efficiently provides a fixed output through its consistency.


  • 180 Packs/Minute
  • Size Dealing = 85mm to 100mm

Over Wrapping Machine

Over Wrapping Machine is a vital machine in the tobacco wrapping industry. This machine is used to wrap individual packs into a bundle of 10/20 in a film to enhance the finishing, increase the appeal and secure the packs for longer life. These machines are designed to handle various pack sizes so ultimately work for multiple production projects. The tight seal this cigarette over wrapping machine provides saves the packs from dust and moisture and lasts long against environmental factors. With the benefits it offers and long run advantages the cigarette over wrapping machine is a crucial machine required by every businessman in the tobacco industry. Check Used Cigarette Packing Machines

Cigarette Over Wrapping Machine

Naked Over Wrapper

A highly efficient machine with less wastage and efficiency above 95% Naked Over Wrapper is a perfect cigarette over wrapping machine.This machine is able to work at different projects with a little changeover time of 10 to 15 minutes. With a quick emergency stop button it guards the operator and provides all the functionalities you require.


  • 25 Outer Packs / minute
  • Size = upto 90mm x 30mm x 120mm

Boxers - Cigarette Box Packing Machine

Cigarette Box Packing Machine often termed as Boxers is the machine where cigarette packs are combinedly dropped in a box of 10 or 20 packs in the modern tobacco industry. Passing through manufacturing and packing and then wrapping at last cigarette packs come to Boxers. Here packs in sets of 10 or more are entertained and packed into boxes with fine precision and alignment. We provide a range here of Cigarette Wrapping Solutions dealing with the all time tobacco machinery champions like Molins and SASIB. Both companies provide Boxers with exceptional features. Specially with automatic controlling and sealing these machines reduce workload and increase productivity. Check Tobacco Machinery

Cigarette Box Packing Machine

Molins Boxer

Molins Boxer is a versatile cigarette box packing machine with 5 interchangeable tuck plates dealing a wide range of sizes and output. This machine is designed to work efficiently and reduce operational and maintenance costs. With a safety interlock system this machine is a good Box Packing choice.


  • 20 box / minute
  • Air Pressure = 0.05m3 /min
Boxer Sasib - Wrapping Machine

Sasib Boxer

SASIB Boxer is an electric, highly accurate and fully automated cigarette box packing machine for new and old businessmen. This machine provides optimum speed and can work on projects with low maintenance. SASIB Boxer has precise folding, packing and sealing mechanisms which makes it an efficient option.


  • 25 box / minute
  • Air Pressure = 0.1m 3/min

Important FAQs

What is a cigarette wrapping machine?

A cigarette wrapping machine is a machine used to wrap cigarette packs into thin PVC films. These films protect the shape of the pack, save it from the outer environment and maintain tobacco quality.

What is an over wrapper machine?

An Over Wrapper Machine is used on the already wrapped cigarette packs to pack them again into a bundle or carton of 10 or 20. It also uses a thin film of PVC normally to attain a carton of cigarettes with 10 or 20 packs inside or more.

Why do we need cigarette wrapping machines?

Cigarette wrapping machines wrap cigarette packs in thin PVC films saving them from dust and moisture and provide an appealing look. Moreover the wrapping is also required for easy management and supply of the packs.

What is the difference between a cigarette wrapping machine and a cigarette boxer machine?

A cigarette wrapping machine wraps single cigarette packs into PVC films and then multiple wrapped cigarette boxes into PVC films while a cigarette boxer machine puts the final wrapped set of cigarette packs in the boxes.

What is the difference between a cigarette packing machine and cigarette wrapping machine?

A cigarette packing machine packs 10 or 20 cigarettes into hard or soft packs while a cigarette wrapping machine wraps single cigarette packs into PVC films and then multiple wrapped cigarette boxes into PVC films.

Cigarette Wrapping Machines For New and Small Investors

Cigarette Wrapping Machine is a must part of the tobacco industry. Manufacturing and packing are only one end of this industry. Wrapping side ensures finishing, appeal, easy carriage and protection. Without cigarette wrapping machines your packs are vulnerable and very difficult to manage and supply. For new and small investors there are multiple options with optimum speed to carry a good range of production as well as multiple types of projects. The machines here are well used by the industry and carry a fine history of cigarette wrapping solutions. The small to medium production levels can be easily dealt with by these machines.

Why Choosing Us For Cigarette Wrapping Machinery?

Providing All Cigarette Wrapping Solutions

Here you will get the cigarette wrapping machines, over wrapping machines and cigarette boxer machines.

Promoting New and Small Scale Investor

We provide options for small scale and new investors who wish to start their business with an investment which will prove fruitful and efficient.

Reliability and Durability

The machines you will get here are only those models which have proven their worth in the market and carry excess track records and goodwill to make selection easy.

Taste and Environmental Factors

We provide cigarette wrapping solutions only with the motive of a 100% safety, security and  longer life of the product you made with dedication.

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